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2 ORGANIZACIÓN DE MUJERES HISPANAS DE ARKANSAS. LICENSES 8 CIVIL DOCUMENTATION 9 UTILITIES 10 EDUCATION 11 With this growth, we have new neighbors arriving from all parts of the United .. la Ciudad / County Clerk s Office Spring Street Hispanic Women s Organization of Arkansas ( ). Sarah Rosmery Calderón Pasco. Estudiante en Past, Coordinadora de Baja California y Sector Mujeres at Red Iberoamericana Pro Derechos Humanos. Our program offers assistance in adapting to a new environment for up to two years, providing a variety of services, including: Securing housing and providing .

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Akcustomz - Brooksville, Florida. Para el Magic de Orlando, su primer compromiso de los playoffs fue sumamente rei do pero termin sonrindoles en suelo canadiense. Augustin sum 25 puntos, in cluyendo un triple que rompi el empate con 3. Orlando cerr con marca de en los lti mos 31 partidos de la tempo rada para acudir a los playoffs por primera vez desde Gra dualmente, hasta la fecha de inauguracin de los Juegos, el 26 de julio deiremos ofreciendo por orden alfabti co una breve informacin de los pases participantes.

Canad el segundo pas pus de Rusia ha participado ininterrumpidamente en los Juegos Panamericanos desde su segunda edicin enHa obtenido medallas en estas competencias de oro, de plata y de bronce y ha sido tres veces sede de los Juegos: Winnipeg yas como Toronto Ocupa el tercer lugar en el medallero histrico por pases, solamente por debajo de Cuba y Estados Unidos, por ese orden.

Sus mejores resul tados fueron el segundo lugar en yen ambas ocasiones sede. En tanto, ha culminado en el tercer escao en diez ediciones. El regreso a la gloria de Tiger Woods El pasado domingo aconteci un hecho histrico de chicas en new port richey florida county utilities new magnitudes en el golf mundial.

Tiger Woods gan el Masters de Augusta, donde no se coronaba desdey de esa manera regres por la puerta ancha a la gloria deportiva. Woods, de 43 aos, gan con un total de golpes, 13 bajo par, con lo cual super a sus contrincantes Dustin Johnson, Xander Schauffele y Brooks Koepka. Open decelebr de manera euf rica y abraz a su madre y a sus hijos que lo acompaaban en el campo de juego. La noticia es un alentador testimonio de que no hay metas imposibles para aquellos que unen a su talento la perseverancia.

En ambas categoras partici parn ocho equipos buscando el campeonato. En la rama varonil hay lmite de edad con la categora Sub El grupo A Panam, Ecuador y Argentina; mientras que en el grupo B quedaron las selecciones de Jamaica, Honduras, Uruguay cuando Uruguay venci por la Por su parte, en la rama fe menil no habr limite de edad.

El sector uno se conform con Colombia. Cabe destacar que el ltimo campen del a Colombia. Cuba gana a Estados Unidos y obtiene oro en el Campeo nato de Naciones Emergen tes de balonmano masculino Sub La seleccin cubana de ba lonmano gan el oro en el Tiger Woods Guillermo Heredia Campeonato de Naciones Emer gentes de Balonmano Sub, rama masculina, al derrotar en Los caribeos se fueron al descanso intermedio con venta ja de Si bien, mermaron su juego en la segunda mitad, y los norteos lograron remon tar y empatar a 33 goles en el tiempo reglamentario.

Ya en el superiores para sellar el triunfo De esta forma la Mayor de las Antillas se apropi del nico boleto en juego en este evento para el Mundial de la categora en Tbilisi, Georgia, del 8 al 16 de junio del presente ao.

A primera hora, en partido por la medalla de bronce, Repblica Dominicana derrot a Puerto Balonmano: Chile vence a El sbado, 13 chicas en new port richey florida county utilities new abril, ms de 2 mil personas se dieron cita en el gimnasio Polideportivo del Estadio Nacional de Santiago de Chile para celebrar la victo ria sobre Colombia, que gan los dos partidos del repe Panamericanos Limalue go que el viernes abriera la serie con un contundente Fue muy hermoso reencon trarnos con el pblico chileno y haber logrado el objetivo.

Ahora hay que trabajar pensando en hacer una buena actuacin en Lima. Tenemos un equipo que est para cosas grandes, decla r Emil Feuchtmann, capitn de la seleccin de Chile. Le sobreviven sus hijos Beverly, Sharon y Michael, as como otros fami liares y amigos. Jos A. Esparza Bautista, falleci el 14 de abril dea la edad de 63 aos. Le so breviven familiares y amigos. Betty Coton, falleci el 14 de abril dea la edad de 93 aos.

Le sobreviven fami liares y amigos. Eliezer R. DeLen, falle ci el 12 de abril dea la edad de 68 aos. Le sobrevi ven familiares y amigos. Bena Victoria Graffeo, fa lleci el 14 de abril dea la edad 58 aos.

Joshua O. Chicas en new port richey florida county utilities new, falle ci el 12 de abril dea la edad de 43 aos. Mara S. Lpez, falleci el 12 de abril dea la edad de 78 aos. Le sobreviven fa miliares y amigos. Frank P. Bianco, falleci el 12 de abril dea la edad 88 aos. Le sobreviven su esposa Josephine, su hijo Chicas en new port richey florida county utilities new Marados nietos y otros familiares y amigos. Manuel B. Mercedes, fa lleci el 9 de abril dea la edad de aos. Le sobre viven familiares y amigos.

THHI tiene el placer de invitar a las organizaciones hispanas y a la comunidad del rea de la baha de Tampa a su evento de presentacin. Puede comprar los boletos para el evento en www.

Fecha: viernes, 26 de abril dede 6 a 8 p. El boleto incluye dos bebidas cerveza, vino, refrescos y aperitivos. Mayores de Cash Bar. Parte de los fondos recaudados se destinan a becas para estudiantes de ascendencia hispana. Para informacin: Luz D. Telfono Durante treinta y tres aos consecutivos, THHI ha manteni do viva la herencia hispana en el arte a travs de su concurso anual de carteles, al seleccionar la imagen que representa a la comunidad hispana de Tampa Bay.

El evento es una oportunidad para que los artistas locales de cualquier grupo tnico compitan por los premios en efectivo y se den a conocer en la comunidad, mientras celebran la rica herencia hispana de Tampa Bay. Las piezas ganadoras sern seleccionadas por un grupo la interpretacin personal del artista del siguiente tema: El impacto de la herencia hispana en Tampa Bay.

La pintura ganadora se convierte en la representacin visual de nuestra organizacin durante un ao entero. Estamos muy emocionados de mantener esta tradicindijo la Sra. Las entradas se evaluarn en cuatro categoras: mrito impacto visual chicas en new port richey florida county utilities new. Para conocer las reglas detalladas del concurso y aprender a postularse, visite: www. El plazo de solicitud vence el 6 de junio de Las obras deben entregarse antes del martes 11 de junio de Los artistas registrados recibirn instrucciones adicionales relacionadas con la entrega de la obra de arte.

Los ganadores sern reconocidos en la La comuni dad est invitada a unirse a nosotros para celebrar los talentos artsticos de los ganadores de este ao. Las reglas y los criterios para el concurso, as como el formu lario de solicitud en lnea se pueden encontrar en nuestro sitio web. Para obtener ms informacin sobre el concurso de carteles, visite www. Para ms informacin: Dr. Rafael Fuentes, Presidente rfuentes. Ests en un perodo muy positivo, tienes la suerte de tu lado, con nuevas posibilida des de negocios que te abri rn inesperadoss horizontes.

Tendrs conversaciones im portantes y es el momento de decidir y actuar. Una oportu nidad de cambio de trabajo se presenta, controla tus nervios. En cuanto a la relaciones fa miliares, deben apoyarse unos a otros. Felicitaciones, andars bien en los viajes de trabajo. Los cambios son importantes y estn a la orden del da. Una buena noticia llega, con una visita inesperada que te da alegra.

Evita los pensamientos negativos, la soledad se difruta no te ator mentes por cosas que no te suman sino que te restan. Ojo con amistades que chicas en new port richey florida county utilities new puedan utilizar.

Si no luchas por ti, no hay nadie que lo haga. LEO: del 23 de julio al 23 chicas en new port richey florida county utilities new agosto Tus bases econmicas evo lucionan bien, sigue y no te detengas. Cudate de ojos que te hacen envidias, no debes de contar tus cosas a nadie pues quieren verte en el piso. Pero como buen Leo, tienes unas buenas garras que son tus guas y eso es bastante.

VIRGO: del 24 de agosto al 23 de septiembre te causar muchas molestias momentneas, pero en breve tiempo habrs vuelto a la ru tina. El cambio de ambiente te resultar bastante provechoso y te abrir la puerta para rea lizar nuevas actividades.

LIBRA: del 24 de septiem bre al 23 de octubre Tus condiciones de lide razgo te llevarn a dirigir un interesante grupo de trabajo. Ello traer como consecuen cia reconocimiento y mejoras en lo econmico. Alguien que conocers en un lugar pblico entrar en tu vida para abrirte horizontes insospechados.

Haces demasiadas cosas a la vez. Conocers a una persona que te dar una gran vibra cin positiva. Pero no debes de ir tan rpido. T conocers el amor de verdad, que te entien da y te haga realmente feliz. Evita plantear discusiones sobre temas po lticos o religiosos. Para que respeten tus posiciones, t de bes respetar las ajenas. Ten calma, t sabes manejarlo bien.

Necesitas una pronta remodelacin de tu casa o negocio, no escatimes hacerlo. ACUARIO: del 21 de ene ro al 19 de febrero La intervencin de una persona aparentemente ajena a tu centro de trabajo ser la base para resolver situacio nes de tensin.

Eso te permi tir mejorar en posicin y en ingresos. Termina todo lo que has empezado, no dejes nada a medias. PISCIS: del 20 de febrero al 20 de marzo Considera con cuidado la propuesta de negocios que un buen amigo te va a hacer. Cui dado con pasar muy rpido de una relacin informal a un compromiso serio, sin antes evaluar bien todas las conse cuencias. Norma Fajardo. Para hacer citas, llama al La nueva y moderna ins talacin mdica emplear a unos profesionales.

Los ms necesarios son los asis tentes mdicos, el personal seccin. ForCare Medical Group, ofrece excelentes salarios y por ciento de las pri mas de seguro de salud paga das. Ehr lich Rd. Las solicitudes de empleo estn disponibles llamando al Contacto: Leslie Farrell, Telf. Email: lfarrell ForCareMed.

Armenia Ave. Collins Marilyn Scheinker Allan L. Bas ta un paio di pinne, maschera chicas en new port richey florida county utilities new tubo per lasciarsi emozi onare dai fondali marini di Lampedusa.

Se volete prende re il largo accompagnati da un team di esperti non perdete tempo e contattare il centro Marina Diving: Giuseppe ed il suo staff vi accompagneranno alla scoperta del mare e delle bellezze di Lampedusa, qual siasi sia il vostro grado di pre parazione e di esperienza con le pinne, occhiali e bombole.

Dove mangiare a Lampe dusa? Se amate lo street food, vi piace assaggiare le specialit locali, nonch vi piacciono le soluzioni low cost entrate in una panetteria a caso e pren dete delle arancine: ce ne sa ranno di tutti i tipi alla norma, bianco, al rag, vegetariano e per tutti i gusti.

Se invece pi che un pranzo mordi e fuggi, volete proprio concedervi un momento di relax ammirando il tramonto da una posizione strategica non potete non fermarvi per il vostro aperitivo allo Sbarcatoio: una coppia dei giovani veneti vi delizier, non a caso, con i migliori spritz dellisola e delle gustose bruschette.

Il Cavalluccio Marino invece il ristorante da non perdersi se si ha voglia di un pranzo o di una cena da sapori speciali: Giovanna ed il suo staff sapranno con quistare i vostri palati con ac costamenti di sapori originali e creativi, creando sinergie e combinazioni di sapori intesi ma al tempo stesso unici.

Il tutto supportato da unampia tivo paesaggio che circonda la struttura: che sia al tramonto o al pomeriggio, allalba o alla sera Lampedusa vi lascer Questo articolo che ci fa sognare di Lampedusa stato scritto da Antonietta Marrazzo, blogger di Friariella.

Bench lIsola dei Coni gli sia stata incoronata nel la spiaggia pi bella del mondo, nel e nel solo la spiaggia pi bella dItaliaLampedusa da am mirare anche da altre ango lazioni, come ad esempio la grotta de La Tabaccara: si tratta di un pezzo di spiaggia a pochi chilometri dallIsola dei Conigli, raggiungibile solo via mare.

Tuffarsi nelle acque di questa cala come tuffarsi in una piscina: non a caso di Dio. Se non avete modo e tem po di noleggiare una barca, vi consigliamo di visitare la spiaggia della Guitgia: a pochi passi dal centro di Lampedusa, caratterizza ta dalla sabbia bianca e dal mare turchese. Nel punto pi a Sud dellItalia si trova Punta Sot tile: bench non sia molto agevole raggiungerla, questa propaggine dellisola si trova Francese, ma anche via mare.

Cala Galera invece, la prima spiaggia che incontre rete accedendo alla Riserva naturale: una cala selvaggia, ma al tempo stesso affas cinante per i suoi contrasti naturali.

A differenza delle altre, la spiaggia non bianca e il mare non turchese, ma pu essere una valida alternativa alle spiagge pi frequentate. Diving a Lampedusa Se progettate di visitare lisola di Lampedusa dovrete necessariamente sostare alla Riserva naturale nota come lisola dei conigli. I visi tatori potranno accedervi solo dalle 8.

In questo modo sar possibile zione chicas en new port richey florida county utilities new tartarughe ma rine Caretta Caretta, spe cie particolarmente protetta perch realmente minacciata dallestinzione. Le tartarughe Chicas en new port richey florida county utilities new Caretta.

chicas en new port richey florida county utilities new

Bench le femmine di tar taruga depongano ogni anno centinaia di uova nelle spiag ge del Mediterraneo, Lampe dusa lunico sito italiano in cui le uova vengono deposte con una certa regolarit. Le tartarughe depositano le uova circa ciascuna tra mag gio e luglio che, dopo sessanta giorni circa, di notte si schi udono.

I piccoli appena nati riemergono dalla sabbia e si dirigono senza indugio verso il mare. A pochi chilometri dalla spiaggia, possibile visitare il Centro di Recupero Tarta rughe Marine, dove esperti e volontari da circa 15 anni operano per la tutela e la sal vaguardia della specie Caretta Caretta.

Visitando il Centro di Recupero, vi rendere conto di quanto lavoro vi sia dietro e con quanto amore gli operato ri svolgano il loro lavoro. Tro delle tartarughe salvate, ma anche una piccola mostra de gli oggetti estratti dal corpo delle Caretta nonch una sala dove coccolare quelle che sono in cura.

Non solo lIsola dei Conigli: le Cale. Fui una drogadicta por 13 aos y cuando me di cuenta que estaba embarazada con mi cuarto hijo, mi vida cambi drsticamente. Descubr que tena SIDA. No s exactamente donde lo contraje, ya que usaba drogas y era prostituta. No quera que la historia de mi vida se describiera como madre de cuatro hijos y drogadicta que muri de SIDA.

Fue entonces cuando decid cambiar mi vida. Despus de dar a luz, entr en tratamiento de rehabilitacin. Al principio fue muy difcil y tuve varias recadas pero me he mantenido sana por cinco aos. Perd momentos preciosos con mis hijos, y espero que ellos aprendan de mis errores y que sepan que nunca es tarde para recticar y cambiar su vida.

There is no su ggestion of an egg-laying rabbit or hare in the Bibles scriptu res. There were stories about decorated eggs at Easter as early as the s. And chil dren made nests for the colo red eggs. In America, the bun ny arrived in the early s with German immigrants in Pennsylvania.

The idea of eggs at Easter was universal, but instead of a bunny, countries had foxes, cuckoo birds, hares and more. The rabbit symbo young bunny, even though it was an adult rabbit in earlier years. A doorstop shaped like a rabbit probably was not ori ginally made as a symbol of Easter, but it could have been.

Kennedy autographed to my family. Id like to have the picture apprai sed, but there are no political auctions around here. Some reports are that a signed pic ture stating its to our family could be worth thousands. I wont send it to any online companies. How can I get the value? A: You can contact auc tion houses that have political is any interest in the photo.

If the auction is interested in it, take a picture of the photo graph, making sure its clear enough to read the autograph, and send it them with the de tails of how your family got the picture.

Dont be disappointed. It isnt worth thousands of do llars. A picture autographed to someone usually is worth less than a picture with an auto graph that is not to anyone.

There is a misprint on it. It reads itll tickle yore nnards. Does that make it valuable? Itll Tickle Yore In nards was part of the slogan used on bottles and cans from to Error bottles are not rare, and the error doesnt add to the value.

Kovels: Antiques and Collecting Iron doorstops were made by many cast iron toy makers. This rabbit do orstop was made in Con necticut. Tampas rst choice for secure, aordable cremations since Hillsborough County Government is hiring for many positions! Not to say my duties here and elsewhere are physically demanding, but long hours have proven exhausting.

Luckily, when life seemed its darkest, a bright light of hope radiated from Ybor City like a beacon calling the wea ry chicas en new port richey florida county utilities new.

I am of course referring to the annual Festa Italiana Bocce Tournament. We are but humble jour nalists here at La Gaceta, so it would not be in good taste to brag, but once again, La Gaceta is on top of the Ybor bocce world with its fourth Festa Italiana Bocce Tourna ment title. As Muhammad Ali said, It aint bragging if you can back it up. I say it every year, but one of these days, were go ing to have to retire and let someone else win. But as long as Sunny Florida Dairy is lurking in the wings, we must play on.

If there is a team that ri vals us, it is certainly Sunny Florida Dairy, owned by the Guagliardo family. Sal Gua gliardo Sr. This year seemed to be dif ferent. The Festa does not have the two champions meet at the end of the day and instead, just crowns two champions. On paper, we looked good. We started the afternoon a little dodgy but squeaked into the playoffs, which was great.

We knew what the Tampa Bay Lightning did not only the playoffs matter. As luck would have it, our old friends, Sunny Florida Dairy were also in the play offs and were lined up to were both fortunate enough to make it that far. Both of our teams breezed Sunny Florida took out their opponents to make it to the to get there and give them a good run. Grant and Randal played nals, but it was Patrick and I who made the difference in the game.

By that, I mean we sucked. My dreams of winning the a. Over the past 20 years, bocce has become a big hap pening in Ybor. The teams that have played over the past two de cades all know each chicas en new port richey florida county utilities new and talk trash in a spirited but loving way and each tournament is for charity, which makes playing even more meaningful.

I am still hopeful to start a bocce league in Ybor and a few other organizations are considering their own bocce tournaments. If my vision is clear, one day there will be a league of regular season games, a few major tour naments, and an ultimate championship at the end of the season. It would be just like golf, only with less whispering and more alcohol. Until then, Sunny Florida, enjoy your afternoon crown while you can. Gene Siudut can be emailed at gsiudut lagac etanewspaper.

Live it up at the Downs! Wholesale you get do for groups. So there are divers making a living gath His latest passion project is the Circle of Heroes, the dive memorial honoring vet erans. It stems back tobeach called Veterans Reef. They built the reef using a Korean War-era Neptune bomber. They installed the lish the reef, but it didnt last stalled, a storm tore my air added.

With nothing related to reef, the name no longer made sense, he said, and he dreamed up one day estab lishing a proper memorial reef. About four years ago, idea for Circle of Heroes. I school groups, just a local for it to just be for locals, and He only served as presi on, the boards vision for the and the scope of the proj Its one of the regions ma jor tourist attractions and is home to many rescued ani mals, including the famous using a prosthetic tail after losing hers to a crab trap. Its become a really big at ing, Inc.

The organization monitoring counts near arti ups, collecting abandoned that could injure marine life. Turns out his entire career, but also his life, to the health of Florida coral reefs, initially dreamed of a career in the veterinary science. He even studied zoology for his undergraduate he earned from Georgia. He realized, though, that as a Florida native it to earn a schol arship to attend ters degree.

Hed a lake in Orlando and has been a diver since he ing a book called The Science of Skin and Scuba friends and try they read. It you needed to he said. Years later, I got certi time as an un dergraduate, he ing marine life than the vet earn a masters degree in oceanography from Florida pleted his masters thesis on The St.

Petersburg Col lege professor emeritus never the classroom, though. His become a teacher himself. I he said. At the time Inhe partnered to apply for a grant through the National Park Service to cial reef project under Pinel las Countys umbrella.

To in Pinellas includes 42 sites along gulf coast from Tarpon Springs to St. Petersburg ties throughout the state reefs through the Florida source Team. We helped and helped these counties This project ran from the late instrumental in the creation of ium, a tourist attraction dedi cated to pub lic education, conservation, and the rescue, rehabilitation and release of injured marine animals.

In the he teamed up Cormick, a mo tel operator the idea to the city of Clear created a non ence Center and groups presi dent.

Ringing in the new year with low bills

The city planned to build a small facility organization at roundabout exists today. It already had the spite this, even in the early on the beach. Call today and nd out how to celebrate a life like no other, beautifully and aordably. Price quoted does not include any merchandise, such as casket, or cemetery property or services. Price may vary based on selection. Charges may vary depending on selections Dr.

Heyward Mathews It's so important to honor our military. Are we going to hurt people until they demand a twoparty political system?

The History of New Port Richey

Are we go ing to starve Cubans because we want them to stand up for their human rights? Will we ruin their economy to make sure they have a free press? This is not about the Cuban people. This is pandering politics to satisfy those with revenge and hate in their hearts.

Donald Trump and those in Congress who fail to stand in his way have reached a new low. This isnt policy; its punishment. Fox, Jr. Fox as a speaker and the subject matter he discussed were fortu itous. One day later, the relation ship between the U. In speaking with Fox after the announcement of the policy he is not optimistic about the fu ture of the U. He added that the announcement by National Security Advisor John Bolton on Wednesday is the most immoral and disgraceful action he has witnessed by our government since the Vietnam War.

Thats 10 per cent of all the money she raised. Turnout So far, 26, people voted by mail, while 4, voted at early voting sites. That brings the turn out as of Thursday morning to 31, This puts us ahead of the pace of the city election in March. At this time, there were 15, votes by mail and 2, early votes.

In March, the total number of ballots cast was 48, While the pace is faster this out growing. This time, people know for whom they are voting, therefore, they are voting sooner. Look for turnout to be within a few hundred votes of the March total. Jane will be second. At least one of Jeff Viniks teams will get a win in the play offs.

This chicas en new port richey florida county utilities new be close. Castor will get at least 60 percent of the vote. Citro received Since that election, Smith picked up support from the los April Go to www. He was Born in the Netherlands, he industry and was very active in his adopted home of Tampa.

He was a kind and generous gentleman who left a great im pression on the people he met. Our condolences to his wife of 55 years, family and friends.

A cel ebration of his life will be held on Saturday, April 27, at p. Here is a list of where the candidates will be election night. Dale Mabry Hwy. Franklin St. Florida Ave. Kennedy Blvd. Suite Werks, E. Restaurant Museum, E. The seat is cur rently held by Judge Catherine Catlin, who will retire from the bench.

Heyward Mathews has dedicated his life and career to the health of Floridas coral reefs. Read about him in this weeks Silhouettes, on page Citro has found it easier to raise contributions since the election and Smith has continued to struggle with campaign money, and has stumbled with the media.

Look for Citro to have a comfort able win. District 3 John Dingfelder fell short by just over 1 percent for an outright win in March. He got Since the March election, Lytles fundraising has fallen off and his campaign has been quiet. We see Dingfelder with a big win on Tuesday.

District 5 This will be the only close race on Tuesday. Jeffrey Rhodes placed percent, or 2, votes. Orlando Gudes earned the second place runoff spot with The spread is only votes. We see Gudes winning a close race. Overall turnout was Thats ridiculously low. Go vote! After returning from a fish ing trip, Yanger called us to say he has no intention of running against a sitting judge and he was to run for another term by Chief Judge Ron Ficarrotta.

It seems there was an email from Stephens to Ficarrotta where he wrote he would not seek anoth er term. There was also an email after that where Stephens re tracted that statement. Ficarrotta wasnt aware of this second email in his discussion with Yanger. Judge Stephens is running for reelection unless he changes his mind and Yanger wont run against a sitting judge, so we will wait and see what happens. The City wants sound to convey what life was like in the early days of Ybor City.

Deadline is An example could be that a Cu ban-American sues successfully that a building in Havana was building is now a hotel owned by a Spanish company, that companys and principals of that company could be barred from traveling to the U. The second major change in pol icy is Americans will no longer be able to travel to Cuba unless they have family there or are journal ists.

This not only rolls back the Obama changes, it rolls back U. This will further reduce U. Look for the cruise industry to cut back on trips and the airline industry to to lose a cruise ship or two, as well U.

The change guts these emerging private businesses and the building of a Cuban middle class. Many of the small businesses in Cuba were funded by money coming from chicas en new port richey florida county utilities new U.

Under Obama, family remittances were unlimited. This amount will fall dramatically and Cubans will suffer. Trump and Bolton want to make the people of Cuba suffer to the point where their empty bellies and vacant dreams cause them to take up arms and rise up against the Cuban government. Their policy will lead to suffering and the loss of life of some Cu bans.

Some might just become so revolution. That will lead to im prisonment, but these hardships will not cause a general uprising. The Cuban people have faced such hardships before and the govern ment remained in control. This could also lead to young people hopping on rafts again and dying in the waters between Cuba and Florida. Remember, Trump made it next to impossible for Cubans to get visas to travel to the U.

We have all but closed the embassy in Havana, forcing Cubans who want a visa to visit the U. This is a plan to keep those who want Cuba in hopes of building pressure against the government. But to what end? Fidel Castro is dead.

This is every bodys security. Since when is spy a syn onym for investigate? Since William Barr became attorney general.

I know nothing about WikiLeaks. President Don ald Trump, Boy, I love reading WikiLeaks. Donald Trump, If you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations, your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer. Another out you cant make this stuff up. Amid all the collateral in terest and controversy about Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, lets not forget this: Timing is everything.

Within an hour of the release of those infamous Access Hollywood tapes that could have been so damaging to the Trump candidacy, WikiLe aks had the Russian-hacked Clinton tapes out. And they kept on coming. It was more than enough to divert the news cycle from Trumps sexual-as sault braggadocio to the baserallying, Lock her up chorus.

Local Politics Some design errors are better than others. Walter Smith II, who is in a runoff against Joe Citro for a citywide City Council seat, has acknowledged a design error in a campaign palm card that referenced the fact that Smith is a Democrat. Thats a tech nical violation of a state statute that prohibits listing a candi Oops.

A new batch, sans party tributed. But maybe theres an up side to this rookie mistake by a volunteer. It was newswor thy enough to be a prominent, page-one piece in the Tampa Bay Times, which contextually reminded readers that while Citro was also a Democrat, he had been a Republican for his other city council runs inand In effect, the Times was reminding readers, including ever-anxious progres sives, that Smith is no recent convert in a city where the elec torate is more blue than red.

Heres one takeaway be sides a surprisingly raucous vibe from that mayoral de bate at Tampa Theatre. No new moderator-questions for the candidates. While transporta tion, neighborhoods, afford able housing and sustainability deserve to be constants, some others are no less relevant than red light cameras. To wit: are a given.

Before there was Miami, there was Tampa. As mayor, would you be proactive as opposed to the incumbent in pursuing closer contact with Cuba such as working to recruit a Cuban consulate here?

Why are you both of you registered Democrats, when you both used to be Republi cans? Is this political pragma tism or ideological epiphany? But some have made the case that Donald Trump has altered that axiom. Just ask Rick Baker. Is it appropriate to reference Trump in the context of this citys mayors election, includ ing one candidates close ties and the other candidates apol ogy for having voted for him? It was driven by transporta tion initiatives that cities, such as Tampa and St.

Petersburg, wanted, but their county resi dents didnt. Thus they were defeated. Call it self-determina tion denied as well as gridlock maintained. Would you be in favor of making the case that cities such as Tampa should be able to control their own destinies and not have them negated by those with different priorities who dont actually live there?

Media Matters In a Democratic presiden morph to 20 or more, theres an acute need for media attention. Having said that, serious can didates ought to at least make their formal announcement in an appropriate forum. Home towns always work well. Noth ing like the optics of roots and an energetic gaggle of family, friends and political support ers.

Eric Swalwell, the some thing congressman from Cali fornia, didnt get that memo. We get the pragmatic mo tivation and value especially for the name-recognition-chal lenged of appearing on fo rums, including televised town halls, that put a candidate in front of large national audi ences. It would be unconscio nably dumb to do otherwise. And this goes back to John F. But thats not where candidates should be making their formal announcement, unless theyre trying to underscore that poli tics and show business have become increasingly insepa rable.

Arguably, that can be seen as Florida reaching out to Israel over shared values. And it makes economic and cultural sense. Hosted by En terprise Florida, the road show is also politically pragmatic for a governor anxious to underscore that he wants to be Americas most pro-Israel governor in a state withJewish vot ers.

We get that too, even if Bibi Netanyahu has morphed into one of the more ironic, rightwing heads of state. But a Cabinet Meeting at the U. This isnt even lip service to open meetings laws. Gunshine Update: It looks, ironically, like the most impactful legislation ultimately resulting from the Parkland massacre will be more guns in schools. Too bad there are no lobbyists making the Tallahas see case for common sense, public safety and a 21st-cen tury, society-serving interpreta tion of the Second Amendment.

Gun-free zones? Theres a better chance of bringing back the sales tax on services. Foreign Fodder The U. Because its easier to keep an eye on?

We know the disturbing impact that the NRA has on this countrys and this states gun culture and politics. But its also a foreign force as it exports its gun-rights agenda and counsel beyond the U. This includes ironically for the uber-patriot organiza tion advising gun activists in Russia. Its hardly far-fetched to imagine that relationship enabling Russian operatives American politics, which kind of sounds like, well, collusion. The Founding Fathers would not be pleased.

Alas, the Bolts also made his tory against Columbus. They round playoff series. Moreover, they were swept, From destiny to despair. Remember how last season ended? Utter disappointment. This year? Utterly embarrass ing. Followed by off-season second-guessing, re-evaluation and speculation. And, no, dont look for any ceremony for the Presidents Trophy thats annually award ed to the NHL team with the most regular-season points. And, yes, its more than note worthy that the head coach of Columbus is former Lightning head coach John Tortorella and one of his assistants is Marty St.

No, that wasnt a greenjacketed hologram at Augusta National. Tiger Woods really George W. Bush was president. A fallen hero resurrected. Good for him; better for golf. Quoteworthy Vaccine hesitancy. What the World Health Organi zation lists as among 10 global health threats in If the Germany of today is a product of the liberal world order, it is time to think about what might happen when the order unravels.

Robert Kagan, Foreign Affairs. President Donald Trump, in announcing that his administration is giving strong considerations to a plan to re lease immigrant detainees ex clusively into sanctuary cities.

A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not a Christian. Pope Francis. Trump wants a DHS Department of Homeland Se curity secretary to magically stop international migration and no living being can. Trump would rather yell at his staff than size up the magnitude of the challenge. Frank Sharry, executive director of Americas Voice, an immigration advocacy group.

Keep in mind that thats an issue that was already liti gated during the election. Vot ers knew the president could have given his tax returns, they knew that he didnt, and they elected him anyway, which is, of course, what drives the Democrats crazy. White House acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney. The Trumpian method for avoid shame is not giving a damn.

Spurious bone-spur draft deferment? Fraud ulent business and charitable practices? Outrageous personal invective? In humane treatment of children at the border? Hushmoney payoffs to a porn-star and centerfold mistresses? Bret Stephens, New York Times. Until Trumps nomina tion was a virtual lock, Jared was back in New York pretend ing not to be related to him.

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter. Were not interested in shaming banks or running a campaign focused on how evil they are. Our end goal is to change the way banks make decisions when doing business with the gun industry. Igor Volsky, Guns Down America founder and executive direc tor, whose advocacy group has created a ranking system that gives banks letter grades based arms makers and trade groups such as the NRA.

It is worth asking: If a trade war with China or another government shutdown remains possible, are we one wrong turn away from a recession? These events just need to spook consumers or businesses into putting off spending, and then more dire consequences can start to snowball. Austan Goolsbee, professor of econom ics at the University of Chicago.

My daughter knew ab solutely nothing about my ac tions, and in my misguided and profoundly wrong way, I have betrayed her. Felicity Huff man, in pleading guilty in the college-admissions cheating scandal. I dont think you can look at a presidential map that the Republicans win without Flor ida. Billionaire Tom Steyer, the founder and president of NextGen America, an envi and progressive political action committee.

Its not safe out there and people are taking responsibil ity of their own safety and the safety of their families. You really need to tend towards a no-tolerance policy. You really need to put the pub lic health above these issues. USF Health assistant professor Jill Roberts, on the spike in religious exemptions for vacci nations and the growing fre quency of measles outbreaks in America.

The criminal justice sys tem is broken. The state chicas en new port richey florida county utilities new not support 96, inmates. State Sen. Jeff Brandes, R-St. To me, its pretty simple.

Put it in the base salary. Im prove peoples retirements. Pasco County school super intendent Kurt Browning, on the debate over whether teach ers should get bonuses or pay raises.

In passing Amendment 4, Floridians clearly voiced their desire to restore the right to vote to 1. We cannot let the Legislature erect roadblocks that silence our voice. Hills borough State Attorney Andrew Warren. There are too many people getting hurt and killed on our roadways. Of the 25 Florida counties with populations greater than , Hillsbor ough had the most injuries and fatalities caused by impaired drivers between andaccording to the Florida DOT.

Vote By Mail. Voto por Correo. Early Voting. Votacin Anticipada. Election Day Voting. Votacin el Da de Elecciones. MLK, Jr. Fred B. Karl County Center E. Gilder Elections Service Center N. Falkenburg Rd. Manhattan Ave.

West Tampa Branch Library W. Union St. Church of Christ S. Bay to Bay Blvd. You do best when you come armed with the facts. A personal mat ter still needs tending to. An ally proves his or her loyalty. Take things a step chicas en new port richey florida county utilities new a time to be sure youre moving in the right direction.

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Best to get more facts before acting on your assumptions. A trusted associate could offer valuable guidance. If so, apologize and set things straight.

You can get back into party mode by the weekend. My promise to you, as your City Council member, is to keep Tampa moving forward. Placed1stin the election! Renovation located at Sydney Road. Submit bids to chendrickson hcs. Construction Manager reserves the right to accept or reject any bids upon review of bidders qualications. Call, fax or go online to orderwww. Co lumbus Dr.

A lawyer turned cook is a sue chef. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to par ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance.

Chicas en new port richey florida county utilities new Avenue, Inverness, FL, at least seven 7 days be fore your scheduled court appearance, or if the time before the scheduled appear anc3e is less than seven days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call Bailey Deputy Clerk Jeffrey C.

Hakanson, Esq. McIntyre Thanasides E. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representatives attorney are set forth be low. Marchman Florida Bar No. The names and addresses chicas en new port richey florida county utilities new the personal rep resentative and the personal representa tives attorney are set forth below. Alvarez, Esq. Diecidue, Esq. Miranda, Esq. Main Street, RoomBrooksville, Florida

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